Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Activities for E Week

  • Easter Baskets - Easter will be here before you know it. Explain to your children what Easter represents, more than just the Easter bunny. Make an Easter Basket with your child. Cut out construction paper and make it into a rectangle box. You can staple the sides together. Have your child color the Easter Basket. Then use a long line of construction paper for the handle. Make Easter Eggs out of construction paper and your children can color those as well. Hide the eggs and have an Easter Egg hunt in the house.
  • Envelope - Write a letter or draw an art picture and mail it to a friend. Put it in the envelope and sent it in the mailbox. Show your child the proper way to address an envelope. What goes on an envelope and Why?
  • Eye - Draw a picture of an eye and explain why our eyes are so important. They allow us to see. Put a blind fold on your child so he or she can see what it's like not being able to see.
  • Ear - Draw a picture of an ear and explain why our ears are important. They allow us to hear. Have your child plug his or her ears for a few moments to see what it's like not to be able to hear.
  • Eight - Trace the number eight. Let your child practice writing the number eight. Cut out small shapes from construction paper and have your child glue eight shapes on the paper, Count to the number eight.
  • Election - Talk about the election and what it means to vote for a president.

1 comment:

SimplyBillie said...

What a great blog! Wonderful ideas! I'll definately be adding this to my internet bookmarks.