Monday, July 7, 2008

Time-Together Tuesday - R-Week

1. Rabbit Ears--Cut the shape of two rabbit ears out of construction paper. Cut a strip measured to the size of your child's head and paste the ends together. Tape the rabbit ears to the strip and place on your child's head...Hop...hop...hop!

2. Rainbow--Take red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple construction paper or crayons and make a rainbow. Use cotton on either end for clouds. Attach by string to a hanger and you have a rainbow mobile for your child's room!

3. Red--Take red construction paper, and cut out shapes in different sizes. Paste the shapes on white construction paper. Make a picture; be creative!

4. Rain--Play in the rain, or if it's not raining, pretend!

5. Riding Toys--Take them outside and play on them or have a race!

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