Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jealousy 5

Dear Moms,
This is the last attempt I am going to make to give my wisdom and experience on the area of jealousy. I felt that the Lord put on my heart to write about this area of jealousy that you may not of thought of before. It comes in the form of a word of caution to us moms It is an insight I have, thru life experiences, of how we can avoid being a stumbling block to another mother, causing her to fall into the sin of jealousy. Now we would never purposely do this, of course. My hope that this awareness will help us to be sensitive to other mothers who may struggle in this area of jealousy.
Let‘s face it mom, when our child accomplishes a milestone in their life, we get excited. Yes, so excited that we want to tell the whole world You can hear a new mom say, “Oh my baby slept thru the night at six month old.” You can hear a toddler mom say, “At our house, we have NO MORE DIAPERS. Meghan is Potty Trained.” You can hear a Middle school mom exclaim, “Ryan got all A‘s on his report card.” You can even hear an older mom rejoice with, “My daughter is getting married.” Now you know that I am all about, REJOICE WITH THOSE WHO REJOICE AND SORROW WITH THOSE WHO SORROW,” but some times this innocent rejoicing, can grow into boasting or bragging. Timing is everything mom Most moms are able to rejoice with you on your child‘s accomplishments, unless it is bad timing. If the conversation goes like this, “My baby is a year old and he is still not sleeping thru the night.” that is not the time to share how great a sleeper your newborn is. I who have had seven babies in a row who woke up every two hours for their first year of life, have trouble rejoicing with these moms. Instead the jealousy in me causes me to say, “You should write a book on how to get your newborn to sleep thru the night.” I sarcastically add, “I want to buy the first copy.” They then almost always add, “OH, it was nothing I did. They just started sleeping thru the night on their own.” Now those are just the encouraging words I need to chase the jealousy blue away. If at a girl talk coffee , one mom desperately comments, “Kevin, is still having accidents during the day and wets his bed almost every night. I don‘t know what to do?” That is not the time to mention you toilet trained Meghan in just one day. I‘m afraid that Kevin‘s mom is going to ask you to train him. She will say something like this, I‘d like to see you train Kevin in just one day“. She may even add, “I dare you ,” or better yet, ,”I‘ll pay you.” If a friend calls you crying because their daughter just flunked math, she doesn‘t want to hear how Ryan‘s name is on the honor roll all year. Lastly, if you have a friend whose child has a hard time finding a date, their excitement level will not be over the roof on your daughters engagement.
As Christians, we are taught to guard our tongue. Again timing is everything. Look at who your audience is as well. If its your mom, Brag on. Yet if it is a person who is struggling in the are you have succeeded, in it might be a good idea not to mention this good news at that time. I love good news, and I’m probably guilty of bragging a lot, so I am speaking to myself, as well as to you, moms. We need to learn like the scripture says, “HOW PRECIOUS IS A WORD SPOKEN IN DUE SEASON.” We need to speak words of life and words of healing. For instance, when I was frustrated over potty training my seventh child, over two,( even though all his siblings were trained on their two year old birthday,) a wise woman said, “Ellen, I can assure you, he will not go to kindergarten in diapers.” Even though I wasn’t too sure what she said was true, it did give me hope.
Now we are not responsible for how people are going to react to our good news, but we can be sensitive to others as we learn to listen between the lines. This is a good barometer, look at their response to our comment. The other barometer is the gift of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. If the Holy Spirit convicts you, be quick to forgive or ask forgiveness. It will keep the lines of communication open between you and others and between you and God. No we don’t ever want to be a stumbling block to any one.
Motherhood often finds us walking along an unknown path. We need to all realize that every child is unique and grows and develops at a different time lines. Learning not to compare your child to other children and even learning not to compare yourself to other mothers. This is my recipe for avoiding jealousy. God never compares u to any one. In fact,. He says, “YOU ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE.” Begin to see yourself as God does, then you will have a lot to rejoice about. That knowledge alone should be enough to keep jealousy far from your heart. So let the GOOD NEWS ROLL.

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