Friday, March 21, 2008

Fun Time Together Friday - Easter Weekend

Since it's Easter this Sunday, we wanted to give you some ideas of things to do to celebrate this special holiday. First of all, talk to your children about the true meaning of Easter. What does Easter mean to them? Easter is a celebration of Jesus raising from the dead on the third day. It is a new life for all Christians so we can rejoice in the Lord. We must remember that we can be saved because Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Explain this to your children so they can understand the true importance of this holiday. Of course it's fun to talk about the Easter bunny and egg hunts but it's good to give your children the religous side to this holiday as well. We hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend.

Here's a link with some fun things to do for Easter and some great info on the Holiday:

Here are some games to do for Easter:
  • Easter Egg Hunt - This is the classic, you hide the eggs and the children find it. My kids love it. You can put money, candy, stickers and what ever you want in the eggs. The kids will have a blast.
  • Egg Memory - Take several eggs and fill them with different items, jelly beans, m&m's, what ever you want but make sure there are only two eggs filled with the same thing. Place them around the floor and have the children take turns picking two eggs, if they have a match, they win.
  • Egg Leap Frog - One player has an egg and places it on the ground then hops over the person in front of them and that person picks up the egg off the ground. They keep taking turns.
  • Egg Spoon race - Place the egg on a spoon and try to make it past the line without loosing your egg. Who ever has the whole egg in the end and the fastest time wins.
  • Egg Toss - Throw an egg to your partner and which ever pair has their egg in tact at the end wins.

One other cute idea is to set out jelly beans and have your children eat them while you read the following poem found on

The NEW Jelly Bean Prayer

Red is for the blood He gave,

Green is for the grass He made,

Yellow is for the sun so bright,

Orange is for the edge of night.

Black, white, brown, yellow and red is for the children He made

All of these colors receive the grace He gave,

Purple is for the hour of sorrow,

Pink is for the new tomorrow.

Give a bag full of jelly beans,

Colorful and sweet,

Tell them it's a Prayer....

It's a promise..

It's an Easter Treat!

~~Written by Charlene Dickson~~

Scripture of the week: Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3

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