Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Life Lessons

Dear Moms,
Today we are going to talk about LIFE LESSONS. I am going to actually share how God taught each of my seven children a Life Lesson. I will also share my part in the training of God in their lives, which includes the ability thru the Grace Of God to sometimes bite my tongue and the Self Control to avoid fixing it, but rather LETTING GOD BE GOD in their live. The fruit born thru these Life Lessons was seeing, in hindsight of course , how God built their Character . as well as, their Testimony, all thru these Life Experiences.. So Read On Then, “ Let Go And Let God, Mom. You will be glad you did!
When my first born started school, he began to learn a Life Lesson that served him well all his life and made him the MAN HE IS TODAY. Every one who knows Tyler , Loves Tyler. He lives the Scripture, If you follow me I will make even your enemies at peace with you.” My husband says of Tyler, “TYLER IS HIS OWN MAN.” In other words , no matter what circumstances, peer pressure , or place Tyler finds himself in, TYLER IS GOING TO BE TYLER, NO MATTER WHAT! Tyler has the right balance between Godly Confidence and Godly Humility. He fits in where ever he goes, whether the people TRAVEL TO THE BEAT OF A DIFFERENT DRUM or STEP IN TIME TO THE MUSIC. He is free to LOVE AND NOT TO JUDGE. IT IS NO WONDER, EVERYONE LOVES TYLER, ESPECIALLY HIS MOM. As a young mother, I read a book called, “THE MOTHER’S ALMANAC.” I don’t remember much about it’s content, , except it was a wealth of knowledge, but one statement stuck with me for life. The statement was, “YOU WILL NOT LOVE YOUR FIRST BORN BETTER, BUT YOU WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM DIFFERENTLY.” Tyler, my first born, after all made me a Mother, and for that I will be eternally grateful. I get a kick out of mom’s when they refer to their first born as a guinea pig. Our first born actually taught us more than we taught him. Yes, of course Tyler is perfect, you don’t even need to ask. If you don’t believe me, Check our his WEBSITE….. www.honuguide.com. I challenge you to tell me different.
So how did Tyler became the Man he is today? First off, when Tyler was born, we not only had him baptized, but also dedicated to the Lord, as the Bible encourages for all first born children. This has given me great peace to know in the times he wanders from his faith, that God has His hand on Tyler and He will never let him go. Secondly, he was raised in a Christian Home where Jesus was Lord and reigned in our hearts. Then, the Life Lesson that I promised I’d share. When Tyler began Kindergarten he was given an opportunity to stand for his faith and learn a lesson in obedience, all rolled into one. We had just moved into Augusta, Georgia, so Tyler was not only in a new town , but also a new school. The teacher , whose name will remain nameless, had a common practice of showing movies , almost weekly , that had witches in them. I, being a newly committed Christian and sensitive to guarding my children’s heart as well as mind, was quite offended, since this was a Christian School. Using the Scripture Principle, stated in Mathew, I decided to go to her in private. I praised God, because she politely listened and seemed to have understood. We all know than, “THINGS ARE NOT ALWAYS AS THEY SEEM.” When I asks Tyler a few days later, “IS YOUR TEACHER STILL SHOWING MOVIES WITH WITCHES IN THEM,” I was shocked at his reply. Tyler politely answered, “YES, MOM, BUT IT IS OK , BECAUSE SHE HAS MY SEAT FACE BACKWARDS WHEN SHE SHOWS THEM . SO I DON”T SEE THE MOVIE AT ALL.” I was so sadden by this teachers response, but at the same time proud of my son’s obedience and acceptance. As I questioned Tyler further, I discovered, not only did he face his desk backwards, but also, it was in the front of the class, facing all the other students who were enjoying the movie. In tears, I brought this to the attention of the principle, and although she had a tremendous amount of compassion for me and a very kind heart, we concluded, “YOU CAN NOT CHANGE THE WORLD.” So there Tyler sat, week after week standing for God All Alone. Tyler, never complained or even asks to do anything different than the teacher’s request. I gave it to Jesus, but will never forget the experience. Sometimes it even brings tears to my eyes.
I know what all you moms are out there thinking, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH MOVIES WITH WITCHES, THERE ARE MUCH WORSE THINGS THAN THAT, WHICH CAN POLLUTE A CHILD’S MIND?” First of all I was new in the faith and it was the 1980’s. Our world has changed a lot since the 80’s. Yet, Persecution for our faith has not changed a whole lot, neither has peer pressure. I believe that God gave Tyler and I the Grace to let Him stand for God, It was the Life Lesson Learned, that made him who he is today. I thank God for Tyler. I thank God for that teacher who allowed him that experience. And I thank God that I didn’t pull him out of school, or make an issue. I lastly thank God that we can forgive. God in His Wisdom, “WORKS ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR GOOD, FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM AND ARE CALLED TOGETHER FOR HIS PURPOSE.”
Moms, let your children Learn the Life Lessons in their path. Guide them but don’t do it for them. You’d be surprised Mom’s that God can teach you a thing or two thru these experiences as well. ENJOY THE JOURNEY.
That’s all for Ellen

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

I have learned a life lesson from "Elijah's Coin" a book I read by Steve O'Brien.

It's a little book with a powerful message that can change your life, as it did mine.