Thursday, October 2, 2008


Dear Moms,

I love having a daily blog. I never in a million years would have ever dreamed that I would be able to, first, learn computer, and second, actually like Blogging. When I began my website,, my daughter, Tarolyn, told me I had to Blog everyday. For one thing, that seemed overwhelming, and for another thing, I did not actually know what a Blog was, I must admit. It’ s been a whole year since my website became a reality, and look who is Blogging every day almost. That has to be a miracle of God, and if you knew me, like my friends and family do, you would agree. Yes, for the first few weeks I was convinced that they forgot to put a Q on the keyboard. Then, no lie, I just found the !!!! (Exclamation Mark). I learned that, "YOU CAN TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS.” I also learned that you get out of something what you put into something. Lastly, that learning computer is a discipline. That’s right; it is a discipline, a training, a trail and error, a learned process.

A young mom I was talking to the other day was asking me a question about disciplining her child. I gave her my card for momsbestwisdom and promised her I would use the topic of discipline on my website. It’s a great subject and I hope I can give a little wisdom on discipline this week.

God came into the world to save sinners---THAT’S US. Yes, all people are born with a sinful nature. That is because Adam and Eve chose to sin. Remember, they disobeyed God in the garden. Our children, as precious as they are, and as cute as they can be, are born rebellious and disobedient. We have to train them to do what is right, and to follow Jesus. In a way they are our disciples. If we train them well, we are cooperating with God to win them to Jesus. That is our goal as parents, to see our children come to know the Lord. God made us to know Him, to love Him, and to be happy with Him in heaven. That’s why he made our children as well. These offspring, that we call our flesh and blood, are just on loan to us from our Heavenly Father. They are really his children, not ours. Never was that more evident than when our baby Zachary, full-term was called home to Jesus, at only two hours old. A friend remarked, “Our goal as parents is to lead our children to heaven and you know for sure one of your children is there with Jesus.” What a comfort those words would become. What a reminder that these blessings are on loan to us from God.

Discipline is an ongoing process in life. It is a never ending process, which you never outgrow. There are certain rules and laws we must obey in our society, LAWS OF THE LAND. For example, there are speed limits, and if you do not obey the rules, you get a ticket. There are laws of the Church. If you do not obey them, things don’t go well for you. There are even laws that rule a marriage. If we obey the laws, we live in harmony with our world. If we do not obey the laws, there are consequences. Having rules gives us peace. Just as we have a certain respect for authority, like police, disciplining our children will teach them respect for authority. Mom, you and your husband are the authority in their lives. They must learn to obey you and come under your authority. This is essential if they are going to become responsible, well-adjusted members of society.

God’s Word says, “DISCIPLINE YOURSELF UNTO GODLINESS.” Maturity comes by learning skills at an appropriate time. Immaturity comes by learning the skill later or not at all. Our children are, in a way, our first disciples, so teach them well. Remember, you can teach an old dog new tricks, but wouldn’t it be better to teach a new dog old tricks? The godly wisdom you have, mom, you are called by God to impart to your children. We want our children to not make the same mistakes we made, and to not have to learn the hard way. So, teach your children, train your children, discipline your children and the fruit will be good.

When I was a young mother, I was getting frustrated about saying the same thing over and over again to one particular child. I must have been complaining to the Lord because God spoke to me loud and clear, in His still small voice. I almost had to look over my shoulder to see if He was visible in the room because I was that aware of His presence. HE said, “IF THEY WERE ALREADY TRAINED, I WOULDN’T HAVE ASKED YOU TO TRAIN THEM.” The scripture immediately raced through my mind from Proverbs, “TRAIN UP YOUR CHILD IN THE WAY OF THE LORD, AND WHEN HE GETS OLD, HE WLL NOT DEPART FROM IT.” What a PROMISE!!!!!! I don’t think I ever complained again, at least not in that area. God had cured me. GOD’S PROMISE WAS WORTH THE EFFORT TO ME. Is it worth the effort to you, mom?

This week and next, I will take the letters of the word D-I-S-C-I-P-L-I-N-E and give you a key word to remember in this area. So, don’t forget to check the website. I guess I should close because I am disciplining myself to exercise an hour a day, and I need to be faithful.

As always,

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