It seems like an eternity since I have written my Blog, but actually we all know that an eternity is forever and ever, so I guess it has not been that long. I have a great excuse, however. You might say I was witnessing a MIRACLE, and yes, it was a moment of GRACE. On September, 9th, 2008, my husband, Patrick, and I took the RED-EYE to Louisville, Kentucky. No not the Midnight Flight, although both our eyes were extremely red. No, we drove our car, leaving at 11:00 P.M and arriving at 8:00 A.M, not stopping except for essentials like caffeine and food, of course, and gas. Thank God it was before the gas shortage. Why did we venture out on such a Crazy Road-Trip in the middle of my “Beauty Sleep,” you may ask? It was to witness the MIRACLE and to walk in the MOMENT OF GRACE, REMEMBER?
My fourth child, Amanda Joy , was birthing our sixth grandchild, and we would not have missed it for the world.. That was the good news. The bad news was that Amanda was barely 33 weeks pregnant. Yes, Baby Lauren Grace could not wait to get here. I immediately put them on a prayer chain, before even leaving town. I was at total peace, knowing that they were in God’s Everlasting Arms. Once in the hospital, we got the update from Amanda’s husband, Kyle. They were stalling the labor, even though her water bag had already broken and had given Amanda a shot to help the baby’s lungs to develop. Kyle and Patrick, both Physicians, did not appear at all worried, which kept Amanda and I calm as well. It seemed like an eternity waiting the 48 hours before Amanda could begin labor, but we already have established how long an eternity really is, haven’t we. Picture this: a very tired, hungry 33-week pregnant woman, who had not had anything but ice chips for 48 hours. Now, picture this: A woman about to give birth who hasn’t eaten and has barely slept for 48 hours and is at total peace and is walking or rather lying in a hospital bed with the JOY OF THE LORD. That’s our Amanda Joy Grace. She didn’t once complain or feel sorry for herself. Kyle was a witness of God’s love remaining devotedly at her side at all times and meeting her needs before she even had to ask.
On September 12, at 1:24 P.M. Lauren Grace Young, The Miracle Baby , came into this world, weighing just 4lbs and 1 oz. She came out screaming and even got a 8 and 9 on her agar scores, great by the way for a preemie. After a few quick pictures and a little bonding with her mom, Lauren Grace was whisked away for some special care in th nursery.

A few days ago, September 26, 2008, just a little over two weeks from Lauren Grace’s Birthday, she left the “Baby Hotel,” as her father calls it, and was escorted by her entire family, her mother Amanda, her father Kyle, and her Big Sister Elle, to the place they all call home. It is a day of rejoicing.
I wanted to add this to my blog today to first of all honor and thank the Lord for His grace and, secondly, to give a real life example of a mom who is, ”BEING THE BEST SHE CAN BE.” One thing Amanda said during this trial that I’ll never forget is, “ MOM, YOU CAN”T CHANGE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES. ALL YOU CAN CHANGE IS HOW YOU ARE GOING TO DEAL WITH THEM.” That’s our Amanda Joy Grace, who lives a grace-filled life, always full of the joy of the Lord. I guess she was named for the virtue she possesses.
Mom, how do you cope when life’s circumstances don’t go your way?
Email me,
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