Dear Moms,
I wanted to give a Christmas Message on my Blog. I decided to use the last chapter of my newest book, devotional, called “LET THER BE LAUGHTER AND A FEW TEARS TOO.” Please read it and pass it on.
As I close this final chapter of this enormous undertaking of my 365 day devotional, “LET THER BE LAUGHTER AND A FEW TEARS TOO,” I can truly give GOD ALL THE GLORY! God, has walked me thru life experiences, then had me share His goodness with all of you. I know that I have already completed the 365 day devotional, but I had to take an oncour, a final bow and end the book with 366 days. God has just put this chapter on my heart and it is the Perfect closing for my book.
Here I sit at a Restaurant, called Panara’s, with my husband Pat,. It is our weekly, Saturday, routine date together, where we plan our week, pray together, and just plain catch up on each others lives. I am writing this in December, during the Christmas season, and I just noticed that there is a poster in Panara’s that reads, “GIVE, RECEIVE, REJOICE!!!.” How Ironic and appropriate as well,. It is truly a confirmation of what I am about to write.
You see God doesn’t just love a cheerful giver, but a cheerful receiver as well. During this Christmas Season I have thought about that a lot. I love to give, and I think about, myself as a cheerful giver. I even give extravolently, at times. I have actually had people say to me, “ Don’t Give To Me Any More.’ I am always baffled by that, so I conclude that they just don’t understand. You see many years ago, God freed me from the world’s bondage of , “GIVING TO GET,” and moved me right into God’s Grace of, “GIVING TO BLESS.” Let me tell you. “WHAT A GRACE THAT HAS BECOME IN MY LIFE.” “WHAT A FREEDOM , AS WELL.” The grace that flows thru me to move in the Spirit of God, to give when He says , “GIVE,” is powerful. If you haven’t experienced it, you just won’t understand it. Yes, years ago, God also spoke to me this Word, “ WHEN YOU ARE BEING PROSPERED, BE GOOD, BE GRATEFUL, AND BE GENEROUS.” It has become MY MOTTO. Now I have no problem praying for prosperity, so I can be used by God to bless others.
Christmas Shopping can become a burden,, especially when shopping for a large family, like mine, but I have a secret to simplify the process. My Prayer Partner, Judy, and I have prayed for years that as we walk thru the stores during the Christmas Season, the right gifts will catch our eye and just pop out at us saying, “BUY ME FOR _________. .” That has been my Christmas Shopping Adventure for some years. To tell you the truth, some times I buy gifts for the most random people, and only God knows WHY? My job is only to stay Prayerful, Seek God’s Face, Listen well and Obey the Voice of His Spirit.
This year, I came to a new awareness, that is , I personally, prefer to buy gifts for the , GRATEFUL OF HEART. I don’t think it is because I need the thank you, because heaven knows that God Blesses Me Back Enough. I came to realize that the gratefulness serve as an encouragement that, It Was A God Thing, not just A Good Thing!! It is so sad when you give to the Grumpy----now you still have to do it as a follower of Christ, because God says in His Word to, “LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY, AGAPE LOVE STYLE.” We must love as Jesus did and not expect anything in return. He died for those who love Him and those who refuse to love Him. ALTHOUGH, this agape love is easier said than done. Loving difficult people is the challenge we face sometimes daily , as our , “SPIRIT IS WILLING BUT OUR FLESH IS WEAK.:”
On the other hand, buying for those who truly appreciate, has become a TOTAL JOY for me. For example, I bought a random gift for one of Our Families Favorite Priests, Father Michael Libinski, this Christmas. In fact, I think this is how God taught me this lesson, that, ‘GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL RECEIVER.” First of all I was shopping at my favorite Store, Ross, and a gift caught my eye. It popped out at me and I immediately knew it would be the perfect gift for Father Michael. Those of you who know Father Michael will agree. It was a Plaque, and even though I usually refrain from buying plaques for people, it was what it said that seemed so approite in this case. It said:
I said to myself, “That is Father Michael. It Is The Perfect Gift.”
I laughed to myself as I put it in my cart and raced to the check out counter. You see I was on my way to meet my husband, Patrick, a Deacon,, at the staff luncheon, at the Church, and I was running late. Getting in my car, I was sure to thank the Lord that I had found the gift in the knick of time.
As I walked into the Church Hall, I was greeted by, who else, but Father Michael. I anxiously gave Him the present . He opened it instantly and began to read it out loud. He too laughed to himself, then remarked, “IT IS THE PERFECT GIFT FOR MY OFFICE.” I could tell, by the appreciation that He showed, that He too knew that God had guided me to select it, just to bless him . To top it off, the next day, less than 24 hours later, I received a genuine thank- you note in the mail.( and I live in Evans, out of town)
When I contemplated on Father Michael’s response , and thinking as well about Christmas coming, I couldn’t help but conclude, that God must feel the same way. I believe God TOO, LOVES A CHEERFUL RECEIVER.I think when we have a grateful heart toward God, it opens the door for God to Bless us some more. This Christmas is a good time to check our hearts. Ask yourself, my friend, “Are we so grateful for all God does for us daily? Do we have a grateful heart or are we a Grumpy Receiver?” Do you ever wonder why some people are so blessed? Watch their response to God’s goodness. Learn from Father Michael. Make it your aim to cultivate a THANKFUL HEART, a heart full of gratitude towards God and towards others.
This Christmas and every day this year, look for opportunities to BLESS OTHERS. Adopt the Motto, “GIVE TO BLESS, DON“T GIVE TO GET.” . Then if someone does bless you, for heaven sakes, BE A CHEERFUL RECEIVER.
My friend, when your cup is full, you are able to spill over and bless the others in your path. When your cup is empty, you want to keep the little you have for yourself. Fill your cup, this year my friend, by spending time in God’s presence. Let Him fill you to overflowing, then you will not be able to contain the blessing that God will pour into you. You will have no choice but to spill over to all you meet. Go into God’s Presence, EMPTY YOURSELF BEFORE HIM and LET HIM FILL YOU. Remember, “WE MUST DECREASE, WHILE HE INCREASE WITHIN US.” Then, “ THE MORE YOU HAVE, THE MORE WILL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU.” In the YEAR 2009, “MAY WE ALL BECOME EXTRAVOLANT GIVERS AND MAY WE ALL BECOME EXTRAVOLANT RECEIVERS.” TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! FOR GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER, AND GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL RECEIVER. WHO CAN YOU LOVE INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD TODAY? GIVE!!! RECEIVE!!! REJOICE!!! ALWAYS REMEMBER, IT IS THE PEOPLE WE MEET ALONG THE WAY THAT MAKES IT WORTH THE JOURNEY!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Passing on Traditions
Dear Moms,
One of my greatest joys of being a parent, is seeing my children begin these same Traditions that I instilled in them in their youth, with their own children, not only at Christmas but throughout the entire year. Our Mongan Family Traditions are being passed down to the next generation-------to our grandchildren. What a blessing!
The words of an old Bill Gaither Song goes like this, “ WE HAVE THIS MOMENT TO HOLD IN OUR HANDS AND TO TOUCH AS IT SLIPS THRU OUR FINGERS LIKE SAND, YESTERDAY’S GONE AND TOMORROW MAY NEVER COME, BUT WE HAVE THIS MOMENT TODAY.” Make Memories Mom. Today may be your only tomorrow. Live today to the fullest.
Always remember MOM, you are the Heart to the Home. Family Traditions build the family, and as well as pass on your faith to your children. Remember also, “UNLESS THE LORD BUILDS THE HOUSE YOU LABOR N VAIN WHO BUILDS IT.” Pray about what Family Traditions God wants you to begin in your home.
What a tremendous responsibility motherhood is, especially in this very secular world we live in. If we don’t form our children, the world will gladly do it. We however, have the awesome responsibility of housing our children, first within our wombs, then within our homes and always in our hearts. Protect your children mom, shelter them with faith, morals, character, and traditions.
Let us pray:
Mom, what are some of your Christmas Family Traditions so I can post them? If this website has blessed you , tell a friend, tell a neighbor, tell your Church Family. I’d love to speak at your Church this year, connect me. Ellen
One of my greatest joys of being a parent, is seeing my children begin these same Traditions that I instilled in them in their youth, with their own children, not only at Christmas but throughout the entire year. Our Mongan Family Traditions are being passed down to the next generation-------to our grandchildren. What a blessing!
The words of an old Bill Gaither Song goes like this, “ WE HAVE THIS MOMENT TO HOLD IN OUR HANDS AND TO TOUCH AS IT SLIPS THRU OUR FINGERS LIKE SAND, YESTERDAY’S GONE AND TOMORROW MAY NEVER COME, BUT WE HAVE THIS MOMENT TODAY.” Make Memories Mom. Today may be your only tomorrow. Live today to the fullest.
Always remember MOM, you are the Heart to the Home. Family Traditions build the family, and as well as pass on your faith to your children. Remember also, “UNLESS THE LORD BUILDS THE HOUSE YOU LABOR N VAIN WHO BUILDS IT.” Pray about what Family Traditions God wants you to begin in your home.
What a tremendous responsibility motherhood is, especially in this very secular world we live in. If we don’t form our children, the world will gladly do it. We however, have the awesome responsibility of housing our children, first within our wombs, then within our homes and always in our hearts. Protect your children mom, shelter them with faith, morals, character, and traditions.
Let us pray:
Mom, what are some of your Christmas Family Traditions so I can post them? If this website has blessed you , tell a friend, tell a neighbor, tell your Church Family. I’d love to speak at your Church this year, connect me. Ellen
Christmas Traditions (part 3)
Dear Moms,
We are really cutting this close, because Christmas will soon be here. You know how it goes, all the festivitities of the holiday season and all the Traditions, have set me back on my Website. However Motherhood is my heart and I am determined to finish the section of the Blog. So here Goes………….
As I said earlier, we have changed our family Christmas, from Christmas Eve to the Saturday after Christmas. There is of course eating, drinking and all of us being very Merry. We have chosen this day of celebration, because it frees our adult children, who also have children, a chance to be in their own beds waiting for Santa to come down their chimney with care. We wouldn’t want them to miss him. It also gives my children a chance to be with their In-laws, if necessary. It give my husband Pat and I a chance to concentrate on Jesus alone, both on Christmas and Christmas Eve. Christmas Day, is usually a sit down dinner served with our best China. Since there are few of us , there is very little clean-up. We have been known to opt for paper plates---when the whole family gathers. I thank the Lord for whoever invented paper plates, which is God’s gift to large families. As we all sit around the table, we usually read, LUKE 1, as our blessing. Then we pass the Blessing Cup around, each taking a sip of the cup filled with wine after we as we THANK GOD for something He has done for us during the year. Since our children are older and usually go their own ways on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, these two days have become like a Sabbath Rest, where we just eat, then Chill and of course enjoy being with each other. Having the Saturday after Christmas as our Family Holiday, takes a lot of pressure off the Holiday, giving us a peaceful Christmas , as well as a few extra Days to shop. The Scripture I have chosen for Christmas Day is, “BLESS THE LORD OH MY SOUL, AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME, BLESS HIS HOLY Name.”
I almost forgot, since you already know that we like to cook together as a family, baking together is also an important part of our Christmas Family Tradition. We always pick a Saturday before Christmas, and every one bakes, moms, sometimes dads and always children. It is a BLAST ……… And………a DISASTER rolled into one. There is always, flour and sugar everywhere, not to mention eggs on the floor, and endless SPRINKLES. Oh how the grandkids love Sprinkles. They are in kid heaven and it is one big DELIGHT to watch. No one says, “DON’T SPILL,” because all Mongan are Klutzes,, except my husband Pat. If some one spills, my daughter Charity’s children will say, “THAT’S OK, NANA.” We all over look the mess and enjoy the moment. Christmas Baking is an important part of our family Christmas Season. Many of the cookies are shared with family , relatives and friend. They are Yummy because they are made with love. The bible says, “BE HOSPITABLE, ONE TO ANOTHER.” We live that scripture on the Christmas Baking Day. We have even been known to invite friends to bake with us., which adds to the pleasure. All our welcome at the Mongan’s Home. We have an OPEN HEART OPEN HOME MOTTO and always have.
It is our yearly tradition to go to the performance of the Nutcracker during the Christmas Season. It makes a great, unforgettable, “GIRLS NIGHT OUT.” My granddaughter Bella, was so in awe last year, that as the ballerina’s got on stage, she remarked, “ARE THEY REAL, NANA?” The wonder of children. I personally loved the Arts and I love as well, any opportunity to share a moment appreciating the Arts with my children and grandchildren. My love of the arts is maybe because my Dad Bill Manfredi was a artist, or maybe it was because I was a Ballerina, in any event, I feel that all children should be exposed to the Arts. The Scripture I have chosen is, “WE ALL HAVE A VARIETY OF GIFTS.”
These are a few of the Mongan Family traditions. Our children look forward to these traditions which make our house a home. Many of our family traditions have changed as our children grew older. As I mentioned before, we only do those traditions that we can do peacefully. When a tradition becomes a burden, rather than a blessing, it is time to do away with that tradition or to alter the tradition. If a tradition is not kid friendly it will not bring about Family Bonding. Make the traditions enjoyable, please Mom.
That’s all for now. Time to get ready for yet another Christmas Party. I have a suggestion to make, How About Everyone Does Christmas Parties In November Or Else January, and leave December for us to get ready for Christmas. I don’t know about you but I’m a bit overwhelmed. ELLEN
We are really cutting this close, because Christmas will soon be here. You know how it goes, all the festivitities of the holiday season and all the Traditions, have set me back on my Website. However Motherhood is my heart and I am determined to finish the section of the Blog. So here Goes………….
As I said earlier, we have changed our family Christmas, from Christmas Eve to the Saturday after Christmas. There is of course eating, drinking and all of us being very Merry. We have chosen this day of celebration, because it frees our adult children, who also have children, a chance to be in their own beds waiting for Santa to come down their chimney with care. We wouldn’t want them to miss him. It also gives my children a chance to be with their In-laws, if necessary. It give my husband Pat and I a chance to concentrate on Jesus alone, both on Christmas and Christmas Eve. Christmas Day, is usually a sit down dinner served with our best China. Since there are few of us , there is very little clean-up. We have been known to opt for paper plates---when the whole family gathers. I thank the Lord for whoever invented paper plates, which is God’s gift to large families. As we all sit around the table, we usually read, LUKE 1, as our blessing. Then we pass the Blessing Cup around, each taking a sip of the cup filled with wine after we as we THANK GOD for something He has done for us during the year. Since our children are older and usually go their own ways on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, these two days have become like a Sabbath Rest, where we just eat, then Chill and of course enjoy being with each other. Having the Saturday after Christmas as our Family Holiday, takes a lot of pressure off the Holiday, giving us a peaceful Christmas , as well as a few extra Days to shop. The Scripture I have chosen for Christmas Day is, “BLESS THE LORD OH MY SOUL, AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME, BLESS HIS HOLY Name.”
I almost forgot, since you already know that we like to cook together as a family, baking together is also an important part of our Christmas Family Tradition. We always pick a Saturday before Christmas, and every one bakes, moms, sometimes dads and always children. It is a BLAST ……… And………a DISASTER rolled into one. There is always, flour and sugar everywhere, not to mention eggs on the floor, and endless SPRINKLES. Oh how the grandkids love Sprinkles. They are in kid heaven and it is one big DELIGHT to watch. No one says, “DON’T SPILL,” because all Mongan are Klutzes,, except my husband Pat. If some one spills, my daughter Charity’s children will say, “THAT’S OK, NANA.” We all over look the mess and enjoy the moment. Christmas Baking is an important part of our family Christmas Season. Many of the cookies are shared with family , relatives and friend. They are Yummy because they are made with love. The bible says, “BE HOSPITABLE, ONE TO ANOTHER.” We live that scripture on the Christmas Baking Day. We have even been known to invite friends to bake with us., which adds to the pleasure. All our welcome at the Mongan’s Home. We have an OPEN HEART OPEN HOME MOTTO and always have.
It is our yearly tradition to go to the performance of the Nutcracker during the Christmas Season. It makes a great, unforgettable, “GIRLS NIGHT OUT.” My granddaughter Bella, was so in awe last year, that as the ballerina’s got on stage, she remarked, “ARE THEY REAL, NANA?” The wonder of children. I personally loved the Arts and I love as well, any opportunity to share a moment appreciating the Arts with my children and grandchildren. My love of the arts is maybe because my Dad Bill Manfredi was a artist, or maybe it was because I was a Ballerina, in any event, I feel that all children should be exposed to the Arts. The Scripture I have chosen is, “WE ALL HAVE A VARIETY OF GIFTS.”
These are a few of the Mongan Family traditions. Our children look forward to these traditions which make our house a home. Many of our family traditions have changed as our children grew older. As I mentioned before, we only do those traditions that we can do peacefully. When a tradition becomes a burden, rather than a blessing, it is time to do away with that tradition or to alter the tradition. If a tradition is not kid friendly it will not bring about Family Bonding. Make the traditions enjoyable, please Mom.
That’s all for now. Time to get ready for yet another Christmas Party. I have a suggestion to make, How About Everyone Does Christmas Parties In November Or Else January, and leave December for us to get ready for Christmas. I don’t know about you but I’m a bit overwhelmed. ELLEN
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas Traditions (part 2)
Dear Moms,
To continue with the Mongan Family Christmas Traditions, let’s talk about the Christmas Tree. We all know that it would not be Christmas, without the tree, symbolizing that Jesus is the tree of life. “ If you abide in Me and my words abide in you, you can ask anything and it will be done by my Father, who is in Heaven..“ We must all be Grafted into the Tree of Life. SO this is my Scripture for the Christmas Tree
. In our family finding the PERFECT CHRISTMAS TREE was a huge event. We would pick a Sunday close to Christmas, and head off to the Tree Farm. We would all ride the Hayride, at the Farm , then begin “THE HUNT.” I’m going to tell you the truth, the hunt is long and the hunt is hard, because my husband will not settle for anything less than perfection. Once our Tree is spotted, agreed upon by all and applauded, my husband, just like a faithful woodsman, chops down the tree with the help of all who are willing. Then we all get back on the Hayride, where the tree farmers, bag up our purchase, and my husband secures it to the top of our mini van.
Once home, in pops the Christmas CD’S ,as I begin making the Wassail, and the Hot Chocolate and everyone begins to decorate., our tree . That is, after my husband and sons have dragged our perfect Tree from the car to the great room. Once finished decorating, we all agree that it is the BIGGEST AND BEST TREE EVER. It is true family bonding in action and builds memories that are sure to last a lifetime.
I won’t tell you about the Christmas Tree Hunt where the tree actually fell off the top of the Mini van and never made it home. You’ll just have to read about it in my newest children’s book, “THE TREE THAT SAVED CHRISTMAS.“
The Christmas Tree is truly one of my favorite Family Traditions. It wouldn’t be Christmas without it.
The Scripture for this tradition is,, “IF YOU WANT TO BOAST, BOAST IN THE LORD.” Every Thanksgiving Day , we gather together as a family and take the annual Christmas Picture. I , being a prior planner ,coordinate a color for all to wear, in advance and , most often, buy all the grandbabies matching outfits in advance, as well. Doing it at Thanksgiving, gives me enough time to get the photograph printed and sent out on time for Christmas. Plus our family is usually all together at my moms on that day. Some years, we opt for a beach picture on our Family Beach Trip or a Wedding Photo, depending if there is a Mongan Family Wedding that year. I have to be honest, no matter how well planned this family picture is, some people always complain and a few have been known to sabotaged the picture. One year on Beach Trip, a family member, who will remain anonymous, got other family members to wear sun glasses, while the phoghapher was snapping the shots. It was not a pretty picture.
In October I write the annual Christmas Letter.. It is one of those typed form letters, but it always comes from the heart. .It is more than a Family News letter or as it has been called, a “BRAG LETTER,” It is a way to share my faith with 500 of my favorite people, plus their family members. I make it my goal in the letter to Honor The Lord as well as, to share what God has done in our lives that year. I also l make it my aim in this letter to point the reader to Jesus. The family Picture and Letter go out together. Think about making this family tradition one of our own. Remember, “IF YOU WANT TO BOAST, BOAST IN THE LORD.”
This is my commandment that you LOVE ONE ANOTHER, that you joy may be full, are the words of and old song. The words to that song are of course taken from Scripture. The way we live out that Scripture in our home is thru the Tradition called THE CHRISTMAS BASKET. Each year, all the Christmas Cards that we received are saved in a Basket which we place in the middle of our kitchen table. Then each night at diner, one child picks one card out of the basket. My husband proceeds to read the card out loud and then I share a little bit about that family, either memories of times together or even who they are and how we know them. I, later on in the week, write a letter to that family encouraging them in the Lord and telling them that we prayed for them. Some years, I opt to give a phone call instead of a letter. This is a great way to connect with old friends thru out th year. It is also a way to really enjoy the cards and letters sent to us. You know how busy Christmas can be and we usually rush thru the cards----the Christmas Basket is a way to treasure the cards and make Christmas last all year long. I challenge you to try this tradition, the children will really like it and it will teach them to Love One Another by praying for one another . Check out the website tomorrow for more Christmas Traditions. I will close now because I have to make my yearly Christmas Baklava.
To continue with the Mongan Family Christmas Traditions, let’s talk about the Christmas Tree. We all know that it would not be Christmas, without the tree, symbolizing that Jesus is the tree of life. “ If you abide in Me and my words abide in you, you can ask anything and it will be done by my Father, who is in Heaven..“ We must all be Grafted into the Tree of Life. SO this is my Scripture for the Christmas Tree
. In our family finding the PERFECT CHRISTMAS TREE was a huge event. We would pick a Sunday close to Christmas, and head off to the Tree Farm. We would all ride the Hayride, at the Farm , then begin “THE HUNT.” I’m going to tell you the truth, the hunt is long and the hunt is hard, because my husband will not settle for anything less than perfection. Once our Tree is spotted, agreed upon by all and applauded, my husband, just like a faithful woodsman, chops down the tree with the help of all who are willing. Then we all get back on the Hayride, where the tree farmers, bag up our purchase, and my husband secures it to the top of our mini van.
Once home, in pops the Christmas CD’S ,as I begin making the Wassail, and the Hot Chocolate and everyone begins to decorate., our tree . That is, after my husband and sons have dragged our perfect Tree from the car to the great room. Once finished decorating, we all agree that it is the BIGGEST AND BEST TREE EVER. It is true family bonding in action and builds memories that are sure to last a lifetime.
I won’t tell you about the Christmas Tree Hunt where the tree actually fell off the top of the Mini van and never made it home. You’ll just have to read about it in my newest children’s book, “THE TREE THAT SAVED CHRISTMAS.“
The Christmas Tree is truly one of my favorite Family Traditions. It wouldn’t be Christmas without it.
The Scripture for this tradition is,, “IF YOU WANT TO BOAST, BOAST IN THE LORD.” Every Thanksgiving Day , we gather together as a family and take the annual Christmas Picture. I , being a prior planner ,coordinate a color for all to wear, in advance and , most often, buy all the grandbabies matching outfits in advance, as well. Doing it at Thanksgiving, gives me enough time to get the photograph printed and sent out on time for Christmas. Plus our family is usually all together at my moms on that day. Some years, we opt for a beach picture on our Family Beach Trip or a Wedding Photo, depending if there is a Mongan Family Wedding that year. I have to be honest, no matter how well planned this family picture is, some people always complain and a few have been known to sabotaged the picture. One year on Beach Trip, a family member, who will remain anonymous, got other family members to wear sun glasses, while the phoghapher was snapping the shots. It was not a pretty picture.
In October I write the annual Christmas Letter.. It is one of those typed form letters, but it always comes from the heart. .It is more than a Family News letter or as it has been called, a “BRAG LETTER,” It is a way to share my faith with 500 of my favorite people, plus their family members. I make it my goal in the letter to Honor The Lord as well as, to share what God has done in our lives that year. I also l make it my aim in this letter to point the reader to Jesus. The family Picture and Letter go out together. Think about making this family tradition one of our own. Remember, “IF YOU WANT TO BOAST, BOAST IN THE LORD.”
This is my commandment that you LOVE ONE ANOTHER, that you joy may be full, are the words of and old song. The words to that song are of course taken from Scripture. The way we live out that Scripture in our home is thru the Tradition called THE CHRISTMAS BASKET. Each year, all the Christmas Cards that we received are saved in a Basket which we place in the middle of our kitchen table. Then each night at diner, one child picks one card out of the basket. My husband proceeds to read the card out loud and then I share a little bit about that family, either memories of times together or even who they are and how we know them. I, later on in the week, write a letter to that family encouraging them in the Lord and telling them that we prayed for them. Some years, I opt to give a phone call instead of a letter. This is a great way to connect with old friends thru out th year. It is also a way to really enjoy the cards and letters sent to us. You know how busy Christmas can be and we usually rush thru the cards----the Christmas Basket is a way to treasure the cards and make Christmas last all year long. I challenge you to try this tradition, the children will really like it and it will teach them to Love One Another by praying for one another . Check out the website tomorrow for more Christmas Traditions. I will close now because I have to make my yearly Christmas Baklava.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Christmas Traditions
Dear Moms,
We will spend a portion of this Christmas Season talking about Traditions to help make Christmas come alive in the hearts of all who reside in your home. First of all , I’m going to tell you the secret to guarantee you will have the “BEST CHRISTMAS EVER.” Not only the best Christmas, but also, the “BEST YEAR EVER.” All you need to do is, learn to, “GIVE TO BLESS AND, NOT GIVE TO GET.” Then teach your family to do the same. Yes, Give and Don’t Count the Cost!! Give of your Time, and Don’t Count The Cost. Give of your Talent, and Don’t Count The Cost. Give of your Treasure and, Don’t Count the Cost. Give freely, and Do it for Jesus. So mom, as you address those Christmas Cards, Give to Bless!! As you bake those Cookies and share them, mom, Give To Bless. As you shop for all those Presents mom, Give to Bless. As you Wrap without any one volunteering to help you, mom, Give to Bless!! Christmas is a lot of work, especially for us moms, but make it a “LABOR OF LOVE.” Think of ways, like I do, to Bless random people, who least expect to hear from you, or receive from you. Be the “FRIEND THAT SAVED CHRISTMAS , to them.. I challenge you!!! Then I promise you it will be, “THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER.” For as St. Francis says, “IT IS IN GIVING THAT WE RECEIVE AND IN DYING THAT WE ARE BORN TO ETERNAL LIFE.”
Life is full of Memories!! I try very hard to make positive memories , and because of this, we are fond of traditions in our home. We actually seize every opportunity to make a memory. We want our children to enjoy our home more than any other place. As Dorothy said in the “WIZARD OF OZ,” “THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME!” We desire that even our adult children, will have good memories of being in our home. I have read a lot of books on making memories and, I try to implement those traditions that I can do PEACEFULLY!! Everyone that knows me knows that I do not do winters, yet God in His goodness has placed my favorite holiday right in the dead of winter. Yes, , right when I need to have Jesus come alive in my heart and life more than ever before, we celebrate Christmas, the day Christ Jesus Our Lord was born. Now on Christmas, not only does Christ come alive in my heart and life, but also in the heart and life of the whole world. Young and old, black and white, believer and pagan alike, all join in Christmas Traditions. Yes, Christmas Time is full of Traditions. I will now list some of our favorite family traditions and explain briefly. I have put a scripture with each tradition. Here Goes:
St. Nicholas Day
This tradition is celebrated on December 6, each year, which is St. Nicholas’ Feast Day. Before going to bed on December 5, the children are asked to place their shoes outside the door of their bedroom. The next morning, to their delight, candy is found in their shoes, wrapped of course. This is by the wonder of Christmas the work of St. Nicholas, better known as SANTA CLAUS. Take the time on December 6th each year to read the story of St. Nicholas or better yet, invest in the movie. Make this a yearly read and a yearly movie, and , don’t forget the popcorn.
Secret Santa
When Advent starts, put each member of the families name in a hat, and mix it around. Then chose a name each, but not your own, and don’t tell a soul who you chose. Now spend the Advent Season doing , ACTS OF KINDNESS,” for the person whose name you picked. Do the Acts Of Kindness in SECRET, because, that’s half the fun. The other half of the fun is trying to guess who has who? For example, one family member leave the room to use the bathroom, they return to find their bed miraculously made. WHO DID IT? It could only the work of the SECRET SANTA! This tradition, builds family, and grows every one in the fruit of KINDNESS. Even a two year old, can join in the Fun, if you explain Secret Santa in toddler Vocabulary. Try this one, you will like it.
The Advent Wreath
We do the traditional Advent Wreath, with the three purple candles, along with one pink one. We use an old Advent Book that is KID FRIENDLY, because it is Short and Simple. After diner we gather around the table together. My older children would take turns lighting the approite candle or candles. My husband would read the page for the day. Once we have prayed together as a family, the younger children would take turns blowing out the candles. This was a time to honor the Lord as a family, and all were expected to participate. My younger children loved this practice so much , that we made lighting a candle a daily practice., all year long. We began each day of my pre-schooler life lighting a candle and singing the song, “THIS IS THE DAY.” then of course, I would let them blow out the candle, over and over again if necessary.
We will spend a portion of this Christmas Season talking about Traditions to help make Christmas come alive in the hearts of all who reside in your home. First of all , I’m going to tell you the secret to guarantee you will have the “BEST CHRISTMAS EVER.” Not only the best Christmas, but also, the “BEST YEAR EVER.” All you need to do is, learn to, “GIVE TO BLESS AND, NOT GIVE TO GET.” Then teach your family to do the same. Yes, Give and Don’t Count the Cost!! Give of your Time, and Don’t Count The Cost. Give of your Talent, and Don’t Count The Cost. Give of your Treasure and, Don’t Count the Cost. Give freely, and Do it for Jesus. So mom, as you address those Christmas Cards, Give to Bless!! As you bake those Cookies and share them, mom, Give To Bless. As you shop for all those Presents mom, Give to Bless. As you Wrap without any one volunteering to help you, mom, Give to Bless!! Christmas is a lot of work, especially for us moms, but make it a “LABOR OF LOVE.” Think of ways, like I do, to Bless random people, who least expect to hear from you, or receive from you. Be the “FRIEND THAT SAVED CHRISTMAS , to them.. I challenge you!!! Then I promise you it will be, “THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER.” For as St. Francis says, “IT IS IN GIVING THAT WE RECEIVE AND IN DYING THAT WE ARE BORN TO ETERNAL LIFE.”
Life is full of Memories!! I try very hard to make positive memories , and because of this, we are fond of traditions in our home. We actually seize every opportunity to make a memory. We want our children to enjoy our home more than any other place. As Dorothy said in the “WIZARD OF OZ,” “THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME!” We desire that even our adult children, will have good memories of being in our home. I have read a lot of books on making memories and, I try to implement those traditions that I can do PEACEFULLY!! Everyone that knows me knows that I do not do winters, yet God in His goodness has placed my favorite holiday right in the dead of winter. Yes, , right when I need to have Jesus come alive in my heart and life more than ever before, we celebrate Christmas, the day Christ Jesus Our Lord was born. Now on Christmas, not only does Christ come alive in my heart and life, but also in the heart and life of the whole world. Young and old, black and white, believer and pagan alike, all join in Christmas Traditions. Yes, Christmas Time is full of Traditions. I will now list some of our favorite family traditions and explain briefly. I have put a scripture with each tradition. Here Goes:
St. Nicholas Day
This tradition is celebrated on December 6, each year, which is St. Nicholas’ Feast Day. Before going to bed on December 5, the children are asked to place their shoes outside the door of their bedroom. The next morning, to their delight, candy is found in their shoes, wrapped of course. This is by the wonder of Christmas the work of St. Nicholas, better known as SANTA CLAUS. Take the time on December 6th each year to read the story of St. Nicholas or better yet, invest in the movie. Make this a yearly read and a yearly movie, and , don’t forget the popcorn.
Secret Santa
When Advent starts, put each member of the families name in a hat, and mix it around. Then chose a name each, but not your own, and don’t tell a soul who you chose. Now spend the Advent Season doing , ACTS OF KINDNESS,” for the person whose name you picked. Do the Acts Of Kindness in SECRET, because, that’s half the fun. The other half of the fun is trying to guess who has who? For example, one family member leave the room to use the bathroom, they return to find their bed miraculously made. WHO DID IT? It could only the work of the SECRET SANTA! This tradition, builds family, and grows every one in the fruit of KINDNESS. Even a two year old, can join in the Fun, if you explain Secret Santa in toddler Vocabulary. Try this one, you will like it.
The Advent Wreath
We do the traditional Advent Wreath, with the three purple candles, along with one pink one. We use an old Advent Book that is KID FRIENDLY, because it is Short and Simple. After diner we gather around the table together. My older children would take turns lighting the approite candle or candles. My husband would read the page for the day. Once we have prayed together as a family, the younger children would take turns blowing out the candles. This was a time to honor the Lord as a family, and all were expected to participate. My younger children loved this practice so much , that we made lighting a candle a daily practice., all year long. We began each day of my pre-schooler life lighting a candle and singing the song, “THIS IS THE DAY.” then of course, I would let them blow out the candle, over and over again if necessary.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Funny things kids say III...
Dear Moms,
Did you ever hear a child say something that makes you laugh, and later on you think to yourself, “I WISH I HAD SAID THAT.” Followed by the thought, “THOSE WERE THE WORDS OF A GENIUS.” Yes, children are thinking all the time and it is amazing how their minds work. They can truly teach us something new each day, and bring us a chuckle at the same time. These ingenious thoughts will be remembered for many years to come, and I hope that they will make us laugh generation after generation. This section is called………
When I decided to go blonde, my hair turned Red instead. My young daughter Tarolyn watched this whole process, then commented, “MOM, NOW THAT YOU ARE AREDHEAD, YOU WILL PROBALLY RUN FASTER!”
When Kaitlin was three years old, she asked me to teach her to tie her shoes. Having a busy day, I only showed her one time, but to my surprise, she caught on right away. The next day, I said, “KAITLIN, YOU ARE ONLY THREE YEARS OLD AND, YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW TO TIE YOUR SHOES!!” Kaitlin looked at me and replied , “MOM, I THINK I’M A GENIUS.”
It was a rain storm and the electricity went off throughout the entire house . Little Tarolyn volunteered, “MOM, WANT ME TO HOLD THE FLASHLIGHT WHILE YOU COOK ON THE STOVE?”
Joshua and Monica, both age six were walking thru the fog one day and talking. Josh was overheard saying, “MONICA, DID YOU KNOW, WHEN YOU ARE WALKING THRU THE FOG, IT IS NOT FOGGY.”
One Sunday morning as we were all sitting around the breakfast table and reading the paper. Kaitlin , age 3, was tying her shoes, a new skill she had learned. When some one would talk, she would immediately say, “ SHHHH, I’M TYING MY SHOES.” I was trying to help her out, so as each child joined us at the breakfast table, I would repeat, “SHHHH, KAITLIN IS TYING HER SHOES.” Everyone obediently hushed, until, in walked WISE OLD TYLER, A TEENAGER. Tyler walked up to Kaitlin and gently remarked, “KAITLIN, YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO TIE YOUR SHOES UNDER PRESSURE.” (no wonder, EVERYONE LOVES TYLER)
What ingenious things have your lille ones said? E-Mail me, and we will post your child’s funny comments on the website. ELLEN
Did you ever hear a child say something that makes you laugh, and later on you think to yourself, “I WISH I HAD SAID THAT.” Followed by the thought, “THOSE WERE THE WORDS OF A GENIUS.” Yes, children are thinking all the time and it is amazing how their minds work. They can truly teach us something new each day, and bring us a chuckle at the same time. These ingenious thoughts will be remembered for many years to come, and I hope that they will make us laugh generation after generation. This section is called………
When I decided to go blonde, my hair turned Red instead. My young daughter Tarolyn watched this whole process, then commented, “MOM, NOW THAT YOU ARE AREDHEAD, YOU WILL PROBALLY RUN FASTER!”
When Kaitlin was three years old, she asked me to teach her to tie her shoes. Having a busy day, I only showed her one time, but to my surprise, she caught on right away. The next day, I said, “KAITLIN, YOU ARE ONLY THREE YEARS OLD AND, YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW TO TIE YOUR SHOES!!” Kaitlin looked at me and replied , “MOM, I THINK I’M A GENIUS.”
It was a rain storm and the electricity went off throughout the entire house . Little Tarolyn volunteered, “MOM, WANT ME TO HOLD THE FLASHLIGHT WHILE YOU COOK ON THE STOVE?”
Joshua and Monica, both age six were walking thru the fog one day and talking. Josh was overheard saying, “MONICA, DID YOU KNOW, WHEN YOU ARE WALKING THRU THE FOG, IT IS NOT FOGGY.”
One Sunday morning as we were all sitting around the breakfast table and reading the paper. Kaitlin , age 3, was tying her shoes, a new skill she had learned. When some one would talk, she would immediately say, “ SHHHH, I’M TYING MY SHOES.” I was trying to help her out, so as each child joined us at the breakfast table, I would repeat, “SHHHH, KAITLIN IS TYING HER SHOES.” Everyone obediently hushed, until, in walked WISE OLD TYLER, A TEENAGER. Tyler walked up to Kaitlin and gently remarked, “KAITLIN, YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO TIE YOUR SHOES UNDER PRESSURE.” (no wonder, EVERYONE LOVES TYLER)
What ingenious things have your lille ones said? E-Mail me, and we will post your child’s funny comments on the website. ELLEN
Friday, December 5, 2008
More Funny Things Kids Say II...
Dear Moms,
We all know that, “LAUGHTER WORKS LIKE MEDICINE.” After all the joys and sufferings that Thanksgiving Family Bonding brings us, we could al use a little laugh about now. The second chapter that I am taking, parts of my book “FUNNY THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES,” from is called, “It’s All In A Word.” Children sometimes think that they know what something means when they actual don’t exactly know what it means. You’ll see what I mean, in a minute.
Did you realize that we only comprehend 70% of the words we hear. Our minds fill in the rest according to the context of our conversation. Did you ever notice that when an adult doesn’t understand what you are saying, after two times of repeating, “ WHAT,” they say, “CAN YOU SPELL IT?” Obliviously, children cannot do that until they can spell. Instead, when children hear something, they run with it., They proceed to use the words they heard in a sentence and are sure they are using it correctly. That is another good reason that God gave them parents, Parents can guide them in their ever growing vocabulary and laugh with them along the way. In any event, “ Have You Ever Been Pregnant and broke your water bed?”
Here are some examples of, “It’s all in a word:”:
Kaitlin age four and one half, ran into the kitchen and announced, “Mom, I know what starts with Y, WILD!!!”
One time my husband Pat and I were talking about a couple that had gone on vacation in Miami, where Pat’s parents lived. Our daughter Charity got angry and said, “IT’S MY GRANDMA’S AMI. I was pregnant with our seventh child and very close to delivery. Every night I would say to the children, “If m y water bag breaks , then mommy will go to the hospital, and have our baby.” On Father’s Day, we woke up and Kaitlin age four said, ,”SO MOM, DID YOUR WATER BED BREAK?” It was laughable indeed.
Kaitlin age four, has Godparents, who have the last name of WHITE. One day while watching TV, Kaitlin came running into my bedroom saying, “MY GODPARENTS ARE ON TV, MY GODPARENTS ARE ON TV, THEY SAID THE WHITE HOUSE.”
One day while the children were playing together and shouting at each other, my husband called out from another part of the house, “ BE PATIENT, CHILDREN.” Amanda age 3, looked at me and said, “PATIENCE ARE SICK.” I wondered what she meant until she began to explain, “WHEN JENNY BABYSITS US, WE PLAY DOCTOR , AND ALL THE PATIENTS ARE SICK.”
During my fourth pregnancy, we spent a lot of time trying to decide a name for the new baby. I would read the name books out loud , and ask everyone in the families opinion of that name. One day I came across the name Patience. “HOW ABOUT THE NAME PATIENCE, PATRICK?”I asked my husband, waiting for his reply. Charity, age three, piped in with, “THEN WE COULD SAY, WAIT, PATIENCE.”
It’s all in a word. If you just read between the lines, you can see that your toddler is real putting thought behind their sentences. Even if it doesn’t make sense to you, to him or her it’s just PLAIN ENGLISH, TODDLER STYLE, THAT IS. If you can’t understand toddlers, just wait until they become teens. Mom listen between the lines and listen with your heart. You won’t believe how quickly your vocabulary will grow. Their vocabulary will grow as well. In the midst of all that communication, IT WILL DO WONDERS FOR YOUR RELATIONSHIP. REMEMBER, IT’S ALL IN A WORD. Now, I got to go do Christmas Cards. ELLEN
We all know that, “LAUGHTER WORKS LIKE MEDICINE.” After all the joys and sufferings that Thanksgiving Family Bonding brings us, we could al use a little laugh about now. The second chapter that I am taking, parts of my book “FUNNY THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES,” from is called, “It’s All In A Word.” Children sometimes think that they know what something means when they actual don’t exactly know what it means. You’ll see what I mean, in a minute.
Did you realize that we only comprehend 70% of the words we hear. Our minds fill in the rest according to the context of our conversation. Did you ever notice that when an adult doesn’t understand what you are saying, after two times of repeating, “ WHAT,” they say, “CAN YOU SPELL IT?” Obliviously, children cannot do that until they can spell. Instead, when children hear something, they run with it., They proceed to use the words they heard in a sentence and are sure they are using it correctly. That is another good reason that God gave them parents, Parents can guide them in their ever growing vocabulary and laugh with them along the way. In any event, “ Have You Ever Been Pregnant and broke your water bed?”
Here are some examples of, “It’s all in a word:”:
Kaitlin age four and one half, ran into the kitchen and announced, “Mom, I know what starts with Y, WILD!!!”
One time my husband Pat and I were talking about a couple that had gone on vacation in Miami, where Pat’s parents lived. Our daughter Charity got angry and said, “IT’S MY GRANDMA’S AMI. I was pregnant with our seventh child and very close to delivery. Every night I would say to the children, “If m y water bag breaks , then mommy will go to the hospital, and have our baby.” On Father’s Day, we woke up and Kaitlin age four said, ,”SO MOM, DID YOUR WATER BED BREAK?” It was laughable indeed.
Kaitlin age four, has Godparents, who have the last name of WHITE. One day while watching TV, Kaitlin came running into my bedroom saying, “MY GODPARENTS ARE ON TV, MY GODPARENTS ARE ON TV, THEY SAID THE WHITE HOUSE.”
One day while the children were playing together and shouting at each other, my husband called out from another part of the house, “ BE PATIENT, CHILDREN.” Amanda age 3, looked at me and said, “PATIENCE ARE SICK.” I wondered what she meant until she began to explain, “WHEN JENNY BABYSITS US, WE PLAY DOCTOR , AND ALL THE PATIENTS ARE SICK.”
During my fourth pregnancy, we spent a lot of time trying to decide a name for the new baby. I would read the name books out loud , and ask everyone in the families opinion of that name. One day I came across the name Patience. “HOW ABOUT THE NAME PATIENCE, PATRICK?”I asked my husband, waiting for his reply. Charity, age three, piped in with, “THEN WE COULD SAY, WAIT, PATIENCE.”
It’s all in a word. If you just read between the lines, you can see that your toddler is real putting thought behind their sentences. Even if it doesn’t make sense to you, to him or her it’s just PLAIN ENGLISH, TODDLER STYLE, THAT IS. If you can’t understand toddlers, just wait until they become teens. Mom listen between the lines and listen with your heart. You won’t believe how quickly your vocabulary will grow. Their vocabulary will grow as well. In the midst of all that communication, IT WILL DO WONDERS FOR YOUR RELATIONSHIP. REMEMBER, IT’S ALL IN A WORD. Now, I got to go do Christmas Cards. ELLEN
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
More Funny Things Kids Say...
Dear Moms,
Kids say the darnest things. Years ago I wrote a book called, FUNNY THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES.” I encouraged moms to write down the funny things their children say while it is fresh in their minds. Years down the road you won’t remember who said what, especially after multiple children. This week I am going to share a couple of these cute funnies from each chapter. The last one I’m going to share is not from the book, but from my grandaughter Bella. Yes, you grandma’s out there write down all those cute things your grandchildren say.
Children are wonderful and at times they are even wise. Their wisdom of course is on a whole different level than ours. Sometimes it makes sense to them, and we might even be able to see how that works. However it doesn’t always line up with the real world. These are the kind of things that I call, “WEE WISDOM.” It is cute how old they seem when they are really quite small, yet wise beyond their years. Here are some wise thoughts from the wee ones.
Amanda, Age 7
Said, “MOM how come make-up makes you look younger when you put it on, and makes me look older when I put it on?”
Laura Age 5
My niece Laura was spending the month of July us and had the problem of losing her shoes. We were on vacation and traveling by car. After going thru four pairs of shoes all lost in the car, I told her she needed to look for her shoes. Laura replied, “Aunt Ellen, we are on vacation and vacation means a break from the every day routine of life, so I can’t look for my shoes.”
Now mom who can argue with wisdom like that?
Kaitlin Age 3
Kaitlin was watching TV with me and I said, “ Kaitlin, would you rather mom have a baby or you be mom’s baby?” Kaitlin smiled and said, “ I want you to have another baby.” Then she thought a moment and added, “ How about if we don’t have a dad and we have a baby?” Mom answered, “Kaitlin, you can’t have a baby without a dad.” The Kaitlin said angrily, ’BUT MOM, DAD DOESN’T WANT A BABY.”
Out of the mouth of babes !!! What are your little Blessings saying to bring a smile to your face and help you put the Christmas Rush in perspective. Treasure the moment because they won’t be little forever. Share with us all. We could all use a good belly laugh.
That's it; I’m exhausted, ELLEN
Kids say the darnest things. Years ago I wrote a book called, FUNNY THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES.” I encouraged moms to write down the funny things their children say while it is fresh in their minds. Years down the road you won’t remember who said what, especially after multiple children. This week I am going to share a couple of these cute funnies from each chapter. The last one I’m going to share is not from the book, but from my grandaughter Bella. Yes, you grandma’s out there write down all those cute things your grandchildren say.
Children are wonderful and at times they are even wise. Their wisdom of course is on a whole different level than ours. Sometimes it makes sense to them, and we might even be able to see how that works. However it doesn’t always line up with the real world. These are the kind of things that I call, “WEE WISDOM.” It is cute how old they seem when they are really quite small, yet wise beyond their years. Here are some wise thoughts from the wee ones.
Amanda, Age 7
Said, “MOM how come make-up makes you look younger when you put it on, and makes me look older when I put it on?”
Laura Age 5
My niece Laura was spending the month of July us and had the problem of losing her shoes. We were on vacation and traveling by car. After going thru four pairs of shoes all lost in the car, I told her she needed to look for her shoes. Laura replied, “Aunt Ellen, we are on vacation and vacation means a break from the every day routine of life, so I can’t look for my shoes.”
Now mom who can argue with wisdom like that?
Kaitlin Age 3
Kaitlin was watching TV with me and I said, “ Kaitlin, would you rather mom have a baby or you be mom’s baby?” Kaitlin smiled and said, “ I want you to have another baby.” Then she thought a moment and added, “ How about if we don’t have a dad and we have a baby?” Mom answered, “Kaitlin, you can’t have a baby without a dad.” The Kaitlin said angrily, ’BUT MOM, DAD DOESN’T WANT A BABY.”
Out of the mouth of babes !!! What are your little Blessings saying to bring a smile to your face and help you put the Christmas Rush in perspective. Treasure the moment because they won’t be little forever. Share with us all. We could all use a good belly laugh.
That's it; I’m exhausted, ELLEN
Funny things kids say...
Grandchildren are a gift from God. I personally feel that one of the grandparent’s role is to pass on their faith to their grandchildren. So that’s just what I try to do, whenever I’m with one of my five grandchildren. My one grandchild, Bella and I have what we call, “ Nana and Me Days.”. Bella, age four, and I often sing songs to Jesus and talk about our God. One spring day we even took out a Nativity Scene, which once was a Pre-School bulletin board, and acted out the Birth of our Savior.Bella was so impressed that she wanted to do it again and again. Yet I didn‘t really know how much she retained, until one day this spring. I‘ll never forget that moment of grace. Bella and I were playing, when Bella said, “Nana, I told Emily. that Jesus loves her and He loves me too“. Knowing that Emily ,was her best friend, of the same age, I was inquisitive about what Emily’s response would be. “Bella,” I said with a smile in my voice, “What did Emily say back.?” “Nana, Emily said, I Didn’t know that.” I was overjoyed as I said, “Bella, you are an Evangelist, because you tell people about Jesus.” Then we both burst into song with a verse of Jesus Loves Me. I couldn’t help but replace the word me with the word Bella and Emily, which brought uncontrollable giggles to both of us. I guess Bella has been listening to Nana after all.
As I contemplated that moment I couldn’t help but think, how many adults are just like four year old Emily, they just don’t know that? Oh how the Body of Christ needs more Evangelists like Bella., Yes as the Bible says , THE HARVEST IS PLENTY BUT THE WORKERS ARE FEW. Will you tell someone today, that Jesus loves them, who doesn’t know that, like Bella did? You too can be an Evangelist no matter what your age. You are never too old, and you are never too young, to tell someone the Good News. Bella is living proof of that..
As I contemplated that moment I couldn’t help but think, how many adults are just like four year old Emily, they just don’t know that? Oh how the Body of Christ needs more Evangelists like Bella., Yes as the Bible says , THE HARVEST IS PLENTY BUT THE WORKERS ARE FEW. Will you tell someone today, that Jesus loves them, who doesn’t know that, like Bella did? You too can be an Evangelist no matter what your age. You are never too old, and you are never too young, to tell someone the Good News. Bella is living proof of that..
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