Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Funny things kids say...

Grandchildren are a gift from God. I personally feel that one of the grandparent’s role is to pass on their faith to their grandchildren. So that’s just what I try to do, whenever I’m with one of my five grandchildren. My one grandchild, Bella and I have what we call, “ Nana and Me Days.”. Bella, age four, and I often sing songs to Jesus and talk about our God. One spring day we even took out a Nativity Scene, which once was a Pre-School bulletin board, and acted out the Birth of our Savior.Bella was so impressed that she wanted to do it again and again. Yet I didn‘t really know how much she retained, until one day this spring. I‘ll never forget that moment of grace. Bella and I were playing, when Bella said, “Nana, I told Emily. that Jesus loves her and He loves me too“. Knowing that Emily ,was her best friend, of the same age, I was inquisitive about what Emily’s response would be. “Bella,” I said with a smile in my voice, “What did Emily say back.?” “Nana, Emily said, I Didn’t know that.” I was overjoyed as I said, “Bella, you are an Evangelist, because you tell people about Jesus.” Then we both burst into song with a verse of Jesus Loves Me. I couldn’t help but replace the word me with the word Bella and Emily, which brought uncontrollable giggles to both of us. I guess Bella has been listening to Nana after all.
As I contemplated that moment I couldn’t help but think, how many adults are just like four year old Emily, they just don’t know that? Oh how the Body of Christ needs more Evangelists like Bella., Yes as the Bible says , THE HARVEST IS PLENTY BUT THE WORKERS ARE FEW. Will you tell someone today, that Jesus loves them, who doesn’t know that, like Bella did? You too can be an Evangelist no matter what your age. You are never too old, and you are never too young, to tell someone the Good News. Bella is living proof of that..

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