Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Family Fun Day

Dear Moms,
Last week, we talked about work, so this week we are going to talk about play. Remember the favorite saying in our home, "All work and no play makes John a dull boy"? The Mongan family works hard, and we play hard. Both activities build family and both activities build character. Since it is summertime, I thought I'd first give a practical solution for family fun. This is taken from a chapter of my book, RECIPES FOR MOTHERHOOD, which you can purchase on our website upon request.
Once a week in the summertime, our family has FAMILY FUN DAY. Fun Day, as it is called, is a day set aside to do some terrific family activity. On this day we aim for minimum work and enjoy maximum pleasure. At the beginning of the summer, we make up a list of desired Fun Day ideas. Then, at the beginning of the week, we pick the activity that we want to do. This Family Fun Day is for family only, rarely are guests asked to participate. Some of the places we have gone and the things we have done are:
1. Go out for ice cream.
2. Play miniature golf.
3. Bowling.
4. The movies.
5. Each child invites a friend over to watch rented DVDS.
6. Go to the park.
7. Go on a picnic.
8. Go to Chuckie Cheese and eat pizza.
9. Out to lunch at McDonald's and play on the playground.
10. Visit Grandma.
11. Go to the beach.
12. Play Nintendo, X-Box or Wii together.

If the activity is short we try to think of other free activities, such as water balloon fights to fill the day with fun. We have a budget and we try to keep to it. Family Fun Day is loved by all. It breaks up the boredom of just going to the pool every day. It is a time to make memories that will hopefully last a lifetime.
As you see, Family Fun Day is a looked-forward-to, treasured activity. But how does it build character you might ask? One way is having to defer to other family members, if your activity is not the one selected for the day, choosing a good attitude, even if you dislike bowling or the DVD selected. It builds character by trying to make the most of the situation, knowing that the important thing is spending time together as a family. Another character lesson is taking turns and waiting patiently as younger siblings learn the skills of miniature golf or even Nintendo. Lastly, being willing to aid in teaching a sibling something you have mastered and they haven't had a clue about, builds both character and family. God can use every life circumstance to teach us character. Mom, it is our job to guide our children into the ways of the Lord whether it be in work or in play. Family Fun Day--try it; you'll like it!

Leave a comment or e-mail your ideas for Family Fun Day!

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