Friday, August 29, 2008

Your Children

Dear Moms,

Did you ever see a clown do a balancing act? Just when they get two plates going the third plate falls to the ground. How many of us feel like that clown some days, especially if it is a Monday or summertime? The key to keeping those plates in the air is a lot of prayer! In other words, if you want to give attention to where attention is needed, you have to learn to depend on God’s direction. I’ll let you in on a little secret, NO ONE CAN DO IT ALL ON THEIR OWN STRENGTH--no, there are no SUPER WOMEN OR SUPER MOMS. Without God, it can’t be done, especially for the woman living in the 2000’s. Yet, we all agree there is a lot to do. So start your days in prayer. Then. ask God to order your days. Yes, commit your days to the Lord and He will see you through.

God first, Husbands second, Children third, I believe is God’s order for a Christian woman. So what are some practical ways to put your children third?
1. Treat them as a Blessing, not as a burden.
2. Pray with them daily, taking every opportunity you can to lead them to Christ and to know God’s Word.
3. Form them in Godly character. Virtue is even being taught in schools, at least here in Georgia. Encourage the virtues they are learning in school.
4. Teach them life skills. Cooking, cleaning, hygiene, money sense, parenting skills, the beauty of sexuality in the context of marriage are all things they should be learning from you.
5. Spend time with your children.
6. Make memories and form family traditions.
7. Listen to them, and really hear them, even if it is the hundredth time they have said, “AND YOU KNOW WHAT, AND YOU KNOW WHAT,”
8. Encourage them daily.
9. Give Godly wisdom when asked, and avoid giving just your opinion.
10. As the Proverbs Woman states, “KEEP THE LAW OF KINDNESS ON YOUR LIPS.”

Remember every parent is different, and as well, every child is different. What works for one person may not work for another. That’s why we need Jesus, our personal Savior, to guide us for what is best for our uniquely, individual lives. I don’t have all the answers either; that’s what keeps me on my knees before the throne of God, because He does have all the answers. There are going to be days when we blow up or get frustrated. These are the days that we beg God for forgiveness and our child as well. I know that both are waiting with open arms to love you back into their lives and forgive you unconditionally. Take a moment now to search your heart and see if you need to talk to your child or your God.

Now Mom, get those plates out--God first, Husband second, and Children third, and try once again to do the balancing act. I know one thing: it will take a lot of practice. If we listen to the Holy Spirit deep in our hearts, obey His voice, and learn to walk in His grace, I’m convinced, it can be done. REMEMBER MOM-----PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT------AND NEVER STOP TRYING. God’s grace is always sufficient; the Bible tells us so.

That’s all for today. As always Ask Ellen, I love to give my opinion, and I will pray that it will be Godly.


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