Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Week

Dear Moms,
Thanksgiving is coming, a day set aside to count our blessings. God’s word says, “IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS FOR THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS FOR YOU.” He also encourages, REJOICE ALWAYS, PRAY CONSTANTLY, AND GIVE THANKS IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.” I guess God’s perfect will is that we have a grateful heart 365 days a year. We, moms, need to help our children to cultivate a thankful heart, as well. So how do we do that? First off, Mom, do you have a thankful heart yourself, even when it is not Thanksgiving? Remember a child is a mimic. They we will do what you do, quicker than they do what you say. What is coming out of your mouth mom? What is coming out of your child’s mouth mom? Secondly, another way to cultivate a thankful heart is to make the choice to guard your tongue and use positive parenting. An example of a positive parent with a thankful heart would be the following conversation, “THANK YOU FOR PICKING UP YOUR ROOM CARTER, IT LOOKS GREAT.” Remember mom all these principles are learned. They are usually learned thru repetition. Do not tire in the training process, once accomplished, it will bear good fruit .Remember to make the changes first in yourself. Pray, “LORD CHANGE ME.”
Thankfulness can not be demanded, because it must come from the heart, God’s Word says, “OUT OF THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART, THE MOUTH SPEAKS.” Thankfulness should be encouraged and taught. You will often hear a mom say, over and over again, “SAY THANK YOU, GRANT.” Soon Grant will be saying, “ MOMMY, YOU NEED TO SAY THANK YOU.” Is Grant being disrespectful? No, not at all. Grant is telling his mom, “ I’m listening , and I’m learning.” That is a time to rejoice greatly with Grant, and praising him highly. Do you know what that will cause Grant to do? He will want to say thank you more. In fact he will be looking actively for opportunities to thank you. It is similar to when they learn to say, “I LOVE YOU.” In a way your child is learning that there is power in their words, power to please.
Not only should your child learn how to thank people, but also how to thank God, Thanking God acts as a form of prayer. Be a good example mom. Thank God out loud when a prayer is answered. Start a new tradition, go around the diner table, thanking God for one thing each. Thanksgiving is a good time to start this tradition. You could even pass a glass of wine around the table, like we do, and each person is asked to take a sip and thank God for something. We call the challis where we put the wine, THE BLESSING CUP. There are a lot of ways to teach Thankfulness. We want our children to be grateful people. This habit, taught young, will serve them well their whole life. God loves a thankful heart, it opens one up for great blessings. I too love to be around a cheerful and thankful people. How about you? No one likes to be around a grumbler? When God’s people grumbled in the desert, what happened to them? Read Exodus? I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to spend 40 days in the desert, and I don’t even think I like quail?
Many years ago I learned a way to pray that was quite helpful. It took the word ACTS and had a Key word for each letter. Here is the key words.
Thankfulness is a very important part of a prayer time for a child as well as for an adult. If we teach our children to thank God more than we ask Him for things, it will become a habit. Thankfulness is also avery important part of everyday life. So mom, be the good example. This is a necessary and important, life lesson and character trait to learn. What are you going to thank God for today? What will you thank your child for today? Let me hear your feedback. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Ellen at

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